
EdPrepLab supports a network of preparation programs focused on infusing social and emotional and academic knowledge into their coursework—including content pedagogical courses—and developing strong, equity-focused educators. EdPrepLab helps programs develop highly coherent and well-integrated coursework and field experiences around a vision of deeper learning and equity and works to strengthen the capacity of clinical partners to adopt these practices widely.
The network of educator preparation programs includes institutions that are experimenting with new ideas and are eager to learn more about how learning sciences can inform their practice in teacher and leader preparation.
Syllabi from our member institutions highlight how educator preparation programs incorporate principles of deeper learning, science of learning and development, social emotional development, inquiry, equity, and social justice into their coursework and clinical experiences. Search our repository of teacher and leader preparation syllabi.

SoLD Video Library for Educator Preparation
The SoLD Video Library is a repository created to share and disseminate videos and resources that demonstrate the educator preparation design principles. This library provides resources to help educator preparation programs incorporate the science of learning and development (SoLD) and support implementation with guidance and examples from the Design Principles for Teacher Preparation.

Storytelling as an Approach to Leadership Research at UC Berkeley: Reflections on a Graduate Course
This EdPrepLab brief highlights how the Leaders for Equity and Democracy (LEAD) program at the University of California, Berkeley, redesigned the ED Year 1 course, Methods in Educational and Psychological Research, to align with Science of Learning and Development (SoLD) principles.

Leading Innovation in Schools: Innovate, Design, & Create Syllabus
This syllabus from the High Tech High Graduate School of Education encourages educational leaders to focus on the basic principles of educational leadership and how it unfolds in school systems, influences decision-making processes, and impacts teaching and learning.

Learning Cafés
Learning Cafés are opportunities for members to lead and participate in small-group discussions about a particular practice or issue related to educator preparation. Learning cafés are a means to extend conversations that begin at EdPrepLab events or to present the work of individual faculty and institutions. Learning Cafés are hosted by EdPrepLab and facilitated by members who are sharing their work.