
Presenter at podium

EdPrepLab works within states, connecting policymakers with regional Network members to develop learning communities that foster timely and relevant policy and practice discussions. EdPrepLab also works across states, engaging with national organizations to develop a framework for moving educator preparation forward to better reflect the science of learning and development.  EdPrepLab provides decision makers and policy influencers with cutting-edge research, best practices, and tools and resources, as well as guidance for adopting licensing and accreditation standards, assessments, and processes that support preparation for deeper learning and equity.

An educator speaking in front of a classroom with adults.

Evidence Based Strategies to Recruit and Retain Educators and Support Staff

This article provided by the National Education Association (NEA) offers evidence-based strategies and insights into effective recruitment and retention practices for educators and school support staff.

A teacher reads a book to 4 elementary students.

Preparing Transitional Kindergarten to 3rd Grade Educators Through Teacher Residencies

This brief from the Learning Policy Institute and EdPrepLab describes two early childhood residency programs in California—Fresno’s Teacher Residency Program and UCLA’s IMPACT program—to help inform the development of strong early learning–focused residencies.