Practice Brief

Reflections on Developing a Cross-Institutional Team

Woman seated and listening to a presentation
Rebecca Cheung, Jennifer Robinson, Rebecca Rufo-Tepper, and Jessica Charles
March 2020 | Bank Street Graduate School of Education
Woman seated and listening to a presentation

EdPrepLab network members from across the country have partnered to form inquiry groups—each composed of a cross- or intra-institutional team—focused on collaboratively exploring a topic related to deeper learning and equity. This brief explores how an inquiry team made up of three different institutions was formed and shares tools developed by EdPrepLab to support this process. They detail how the team, which was composed of participants from Montclair State University, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), considered their own individual institutional goals and how their combined inquiry would be enriched by their collaboration. Collectively, these teams offer the following reflections:

  • Understand your own institution’s goals and think about how your potential partner’s goals align. Get clear on your collective institutional interests and find synergy
  • Investigate your own institutional needs, and think about who you can learn from
  • Create a process for forming a team, sharing, and collaborating at your own institution that is sustainable
  • Establish a process for doing the work that supports effective collaboration while being respectful of everyone’s time
  • Find ways to connect informally to brainstorm and discover shared interests

Additionally, the brief shares the following tools developed from the work of the inquiry groups: “Educator Preparation for Deeper Learning Conversation Guide” (see page 3) and “Tips for Organizing Your Inquiry Group” (see page 4).

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