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results for "teacher preparation"
411 - 420 of 732
results for "teacher preparation"

The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education’s (AACTE) annual meeting takes place this year virtually from February 24th - 26th. We are…

Learning Café
Feb 2021 | In this session, participants learned about the most common forms of simulation in teacher education (i.e.,…

Course Syllabus
Grounded in the themes of the Lehman Urban Transformative Education approach, this course (EDC 756) invites teacher candidates to consider their roles as…

Course Syllabus
Drawing upon sociocultural ways of viewing language and language development, this Lehman Urban Transformative Education course asks teacher candidates to…

Research Report
This research report from the Wallace Foundation is an update to the 2004 literature review, How Leadership Influences Student Learning, which helped…

Practice Brief
This brief from EdResearch for Action emphasizes the importance of providing English learner (EL) students with meaningful access to academic content, and…

In this webinar series hosted by West Ed’s National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI), thought leaders in the field focus on the intersection of race…

January 2021 | At this virtual event for network members a distinguished panel of leaders shared their views on the landscape of educator preparation…

Learning Café
January 22 2021 | In this session, participants learned about the structures and processes Prepared To Teach's PK-12/teacher…

Research Brief
This brief draws on a study of teacher working conditions and their relationship to teacher retention and school performance in North Carolina.
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