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results for "anti-racist curriculum"
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results for "anti-racist curriculum"
- Teacher Preparation ×
This framework from the Highlander Institute (now Throughline Learning) assists teachers, administrators, policymakers, and students with identifying the…
The CARE framework from Stand for Children seeks to provide coherence and clarity for k-12 educators who aspire to be anti-racist in their practice.
This syllabus from High Tech High Graduate School of Education’s (HTH) EDU 600 course, surveys the core values of High Tech High’s MEd program,…
This article from WHYY explores how newly released standards from the Pennsylvania Department of Education ask teachers to interrogate their biases and…
This rubric from BranchED was developed to guide educators in evaluating Open Educational Resources (OER) for equity.
Learning Café
March 26 2021 | Participants explored the impact of colonization on education and reflected on how it impacts their practice as teacher and leader…
Course Syllabus
This syllabus from the High Tech High Teacher Center for EDU 525 Deeper Literacy Across the Disciplines outlines a course aimed at assisting candidates in…
This curriculum literacy guide from Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity provides guidance for teacher preparation programs to support teacher…
Research Report
This report conducted through a partnership between Hewlett Foundation and SRI Education involved an investigation into the intersection of open…
This paper, published in Education Sciences, introduces justice-centered reflective practice, a praxis for teacher educators defined as purposeful and…
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