Course Syllabus

Deeper Literacy Across the Disciplines Syllabus

Jean Catubay
January 2021 | High Tech High Teacher Center

This syllabus from the High Tech High Teacher Center for EDU 525 Deeper Literacy Across the Disciplines outlines a course aimed at assisting candidates in integrating adolescent literacy development throughout various subjects. The curriculum covers the foundations of literacy learning, emphasizing its role as a cornerstone for cross-disciplinary understanding. Candidates will gain insights into engaging students in literacy for comprehension, knowledge-building, community development, and empowerment. The course balances theory and practice, combining readings that explore pedagogical traditions with hands-on activities for application. Aligned with constructivism and situated learning theories, essential questions address effective literacy instruction; equity-focused practices; and personalized, project-based learning. Candidates in this course will engage in two weekly assignments: a reading task and a "Put It to Practice" assignment, applied during their teaching fieldwork. The assessment process invites student-led comments, with participants presenting self-assessments and receiving instructor feedback.

Recent Resources

Research Reports
Amber Thompson, Chander Lewis, Jahnette Wilson, Robert McPherson, Paula Calderon, Locord Wilson, Nadine Gilbert, and Robin Lock
Program and Curricular Materials