Course Syllabus

Field Work: Case Management Syllabus and Sample IEP Observation Protocols

This High Tech High Teacher Center syllabus focuses on preparing candidates in case management practices and strategies for students with mild/moderate disabilities and for those referred for special education. Candidates learn how to (1) coordinate the individualized education plans (IEP) process and service delivery for individuals referred for special education and those identified with mild/moderate disabilities, and (2) address the legal and instructional requirements based on the individual needs of the student with mild/moderate disabilities. The syllabus makes explicit which program standards and California Teacher Performance Expectations competencies will be covered during the course. 

Examples of case management exercises can be found in the linked documents. Candidates engage in case management exercises before conducting observations. Each document provides an overview of the flow of activities (e.g., group discussions, mini-lectures, exploration of education law) and supplemental resources to support candidates in their preparation for the observation. Candidates are prompted to engage with reflection activities and a “Put It Into Practice” exercise after each preparation session.

Recent Resources

Program and Curricular Materials
Practice Reports
Anika Spratley Burtin, Kenyatta Dorey Graves, and Cathy Yun
Program and Curricular Materials