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results for "teaching strategies and pedagogy"
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results for "teaching strategies and pedagogy"

This brief from EdPrepLab describes California State University, Fresno’s Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist Credential program, a one-year,…

The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Annual Meeting will be held February 21–23, 2025 in Long Beach, California. We are…

The EdPrepLab World Café: Transforming Teacher Education—Creating Meaningful Partnerships and Communities in Educator Preparation brought together…

This toolkit from US PREP addresses the common misalignment between coursework and teacher candidate field experiences by outlining intentionally created…

This podcast collection from the National Center of Accessible Educational Materials features interviews with a range of leaders to discuss their top tips…

This toolkit from Development and Research in Early Math Education (DREME) outlines a collection of resources that can be used in combination to support…

EdPrepLab’s World Café, Designing Student-Centered Teacher Education: Content and Pedagogy, brought together an international group of educators,…

This professional development tool from Ball State University’s Teachers College explores the evolving role of artificial intelligence (AI), including…

This toolkit from the University of California Los Angeles Teacher Education Program includes 14 videos from UCLA alumni depicting their math and science…

This brief from the Learning Policy Institute highlights the importance of positive school-based relationships in supporting and enhancing students’…
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