
EdPrepLab World Café: Transforming Teacher Education—Creating Meaningful Partnerships and Communities in Educator Preparation

Date and time
Wed, February 12, 2025
1:00 PM - 7:00 PM ET
Presentation title: EdPrepLab World Café: Transforming Teacher Education—Creating Meaningful Partnerships and Communities in Educator Preparation

The EdPrepLab World Café: Transforming Teacher Education—Creating Meaningful Partnerships and Communities in Educator Preparation brought together educators, faculty members, researchers, and policymakers worldwide to explore how teacher education can build structures that support collaborative learning communities. Participants engaged with a keynote on the Science of Learning and Development by Linda Darling-Hammond and a panel of international experts on teacher preparation partnerships. Small group discussions highlighted key themes, such as the tension between teacher preparation and classroom realities, the need for strong, reciprocal partnerships that withstand leadership changes, and the importance of regular engagement, trust, and mentorship in partnerships. Conversations explored strategies for supporting pre- and in-service teachers through professional learning communities, ongoing development, and a focus on equity, inclusion, and social-emotional learning. The event promoted rich dialogue on how preparation programs can structure time and resources to strengthen collaborative learning spaces that support teacher preparation in contexts around the globe.

  • Xiu Cravens, Professor of the Practice, Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations; Program Director, International Education Policy and Management; Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development


Session One:


Session Two: