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results for "covid-19"
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results for "covid-19"
Journal Article
This journal special edition of the European Journal of Teacher Education explores the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic on teacher education,…
Policy Report
The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) reviewed and analyzed COVID-related state guidance to educator preparation programs (…
Research Report
This research article from the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University and the Education Opportunity Project at Stanford University…
Recorded Webinar
In this webinar, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and EdPrepLab shared initial lessons learned on effective teacher and leader…
Practice Brief
This brief and accompanying webinar argue that teacher candidates should be considered an asset in school buildings, and may help to alleviate potential…
Research Brief
This research brief reports an analysis of how nine principals advanced equity during the COVID-19 crisis.
Practice Brief
This brief from California Safe and Supportive Schools emphasizes the critical role of family engagement in holistic school transformations and advocates…
Journal Article
This journal article reports findings of a study of how principals in New York City schools responded to an influx of students from Puerto Rico post-…
Journal Article
In this journal article from the Journal of Teacher Education, the authors advocate for innovative approaches to address the perennial challenge of…
Course Syllabus
This University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education syllabus is for the course (EDUC 545) titled Navigating Identity and COVID-Related Stress for…
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