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results for "social and emotional learning"
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results for "social and emotional learning"
- Teacher Preparation ×

The EdPrepLab World Café: Transforming Teacher Education—Creating Meaningful Partnerships and Communities in Educator Preparation brought together…

EdPrepLab’s World Café, Designing Student-Centered Teacher Education: Content and Pedagogy, brought together an international group of educators,…

Revisiting SoLD: An Educator Preparation Framework for the Current MomentOn October 16, 2024, participants from 17 EdPrepLab institutions joined the 2024…

Educators who learn how to proactively cultivate positive and affirming attitudes are better equipped to create culturally sensitive and identity-safe…

Teachers need the opportunity to experience the pedagogical methods they will enact in order to understand them in complex and meaningful ways.

Programs should help teacher candidates deeply examine student learning across different contexts and its relationship to instruction.

Teacher candidates can benefit from professional learning communities within their university classrooms, clinical placement schools, disciplinary groups…

This video-based course is an exploration of learning theory—appropriate for grades K–12 and all subject areas—for the training of preservice teachers and…

The CARE framework from Stand for Children seeks to provide coherence and clarity for k-12 educators who aspire to be anti-racist in their practice.

This brief from EdPrepLab and Trinity University describes the development, implementation, and impact of Trinity’s Natural Environment and Well-Being…
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