EdPrepLab World Café Designing Student-Centered Teacher Education: Content and Pedagogy
1:00 PM - 7:00 PM ET

EdPrepLab’s World Café, Designing Student-Centered Teacher Education: Content and Pedagogy, brought together an international group of educators, researchers, and policymakers to explore how teacher education can embrace student-centered learning supported by science of learning and development. Panelists discussed the multifaceted nature of student-centered learning, exploring its dimensions, purpose, and implementation challenges. Topics included the importance of addressing teacher candidate beliefs, leveraging teacher expertise, providing ongoing support, modeling practices, and navigating the complexities and contextual factors that influence effective implementation. Participants engaged in rich discussions about how sociocultural contexts shape practices and the application of student-centered learning. The event highlighted diverse perspectives on adapting teacher education programs to meet the needs of candidates across different cultural and policy contexts.
Heather Johnson, Professor of the Practice of Science Education, Vanderbilt University, United States
Session One:
- Nicholas Bremner, Lecturer in Language Education, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
- Jasmine Ma, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Urban Education, New York University, United States
Session Two:
- Mere Berryman, Professor, Te Kura Toi Tangata School of Education and Director, Poutama Pounamu, University of Waikato, New Zealand