
EdPrepLab 2019 Inaugural Convening

Date and time
Wed, June 19, 2019
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
Bank Street College of Education, New York, NY
Two panelists presenting at event
Photo Credit: Christine Butler
Hosted by the Educator Preparation Laboratory, an initiative of the Learning Policy Institute and Bank Street Graduate School of Education

In June 2019, EdPrepLab hosted a two-day inaugural convening at Bank Street College in New York City that brought together leadership, faculty and staff from the network’s 15 founding institutions, as well as policy influencers from across the country. Over the course of two days, 120 participants engaged in productive discussions around deeper learning and ways in which policy makers can contribute to equitable schools and practices.

Attendees visited schools that demonstrate exemplary deeper learning practices and participated in workshops that showcased several aspects of Bank Street’s work, including the Center on Culture, Race and Equity, the Center for Emotionally Responsive Practice, and the Prepared to Teach initiative. Network participants also shared details of their programs and practices through a gallery walk and explored potential lines of inquiry in “area of interest” groups.

During the second day, participants engaged in wide-ranging discussions about policy changes needed to support teacher and leader preparation for deeper learning. After Linda Darling-Hammond presented on policy priorities for supporting educator preparation for deeper learning, attendees engaged in small group conversations focused on addressing the opportunities and challenges around specific policy levers, including:

  • strengthening educator standards for preparation and induction,
  • educator preparation performance assessment and performance-based program approval,
  • and strengthening preparation partnerships, including residencies and ensuring adequate funding for programs and candidates.

Recent Resources

Program and Curricular Materials
Practice Reports
Anika Spratley Burtin, Kenyatta Dorey Graves, and Cathy Yun