
Video Feature: Strategies and Practices to Advance Deeper Learning

Insights from Networks

High school students working on a project
February 2020 | Learning Policy Institute
High school students working on a project

This collection of videos and case studies from the Learning Policy Institute describes the systems, structures, and practices that support deeper learning across three networks: Big Picture Learning, Internationals Network, and New Tech Network. In the videos, school and district educators and network representatives share their insights on the strategies and practices to support designing schools to be student- and relationship-centered. They highlight ways to design systems within the school to foster and support strong student-centered relationships, including supporting shifts in practice and culture, engaging in cross-site learning opportunities, providing job-embedded professional development, using network conferences to build community, and advancing deeper learning through principal development. The videos are accompanied by related reports and briefs.

Recent Resources

Practice Reports
Anika Spratley Burtin, Kenyatta Dorey Graves, and Cathy Yun