Research Report

Using State-Level Policy Levers to Promote Principal Quality: Lessons From Seven States Partnering With Principal Preparation Programs and Districts

Susan M. Gates, Ashley Woo, Lea Xenakis, Elaine Lin Wang, Rebecca Herman, Megan Andrew, Ivy Todd
June 2020 | Rand Corporation and Wallace Foundation

This research report from the RAND Corporation and the Wallace Foundation identifies levers that states can pull to try to improve the principalship: standards for the job, recruitment, oversight of principal preparation programs, principal licensure, evaluation of principals, professional development, and tracking of longitudinal data about the characteristics and experiences of aspiring and current school leaders. Based on research of seven states and their district partners, the authors also found that states vary greatly in the pathways they have to take a candidate from aspiring school leader to principal and note that these state variations determine which levers to pull and how.

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