Research Report

Supporting Primary School Principals to Manage Complexity in Contemporary Education Settings in Australia

Mel Edwards, Wendy Cave, Sophie Bissell, and Justin Barrie
December 2022 | Australian Government Primary Principal Association

This research report from the Principals Australia Research Foundation investigates the applicability of a service-oriented approach for primary school principals and assesses the current landscape of primary education in Australia. The findings reveal several key points, such as principals serve as adaptive agents within a complex adaptive system; the primary accountabilities of a primary school principal include instructional leadership, organizational management, and establishing culture and community; and five principal typologies related to organizational management are driver, educator, energizer, enabler, and supporter. These findings underscore the multifaceted responsibilities of primary school principals and highlight the importance of adaptability and effective leadership in navigating the complexities of the educational environment. Implications include additional support for principals during all stages of their careers, principal recruitment, and support for the induction process.

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