Course Syllabus

The Study of Children in Diverse and Inclusive Educational Settings Through Observation and Recording Syllabus

Jessica Charles
January 2022 | Bank Street Graduate School of Education

This syllabus for Bank Street Graduate School of Education's The Study of Children in Diverse and Inclusive Educational Settings Through Observation and Recording Syllabus course (EDUC 808) expands candidates’ observational skills through an in-depth study of one child. Candidates observe and document behaviors in live classroom group settings, noting connections to developmental milestones and contextual factors. During the group observation, students are also expected to note deviations in development between able-bodied children and children with disabilities and/or special needs. The course intends to teach students a variety of observational techniques and methods to document and evaluate observational data.

Recent Resources

Program and Curricular Materials
Practice Reports
Anika Spratley Burtin, Kenyatta Dorey Graves, and Cathy Yun
Program and Curricular Materials