Strengthening Youth Mental Health: A Governor’s Playbook
This toolkit from the National Governors Association (NGA) offers tools and solutions states can utilize to strengthen youth mental health. The playbook builds on the NGA’s Strengthening Youth Mental Health Initiative’s four pillars, which are: (1) addressing prevention and building resilience in youth, (2) increasing awareness of mental health knowledge and reducing stigma, (3) ensuring access to and affordability of quality treatment and care, and (4) expanding training and supports for caregivers and educators. The playbook offers several levers governors and leaders can use to address these pillars, including equipping departments to develop technology, guidelines, and regulations to support educators, administrators, and school personnel in developing the skills to recognize signs of distress and provide support. The playbook also includes information and best practices supporting the role educator mental health and coping strategies play in student outcomes. This tool may be beneficial for state, district, or educator preparation leaders considering the role of mental health awareness for students and educators.