Professional Standards for Educational Leaders

The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) provide guideposts that will help school leaders make a difference every day in the learning and well-being of students. The PSEL are “model” professional standards that communicate expectations to practitioners, supporting institutions, professional associations, policymakers, and the public about the work, qualities, and values of effective educational leaders. They are used by state boards of education to help guide their licensure and professional development programs. The standards recognize the central importance of human relationships not only in leadership work but also in teaching and student learning. They stress the importance of support and care required for students to excel, as well as the importance of academic rigor. Grounded in current research and the real-life experiences of educational leaders, they articulate the leadership that our schools need and our students deserve. They are student-centric, outlining foundational principles of leadership to guide the practice of educational leaders so they can move the needle on student learning and achieve more equitable outcomes. They are designed to ensure that educational leaders are ready to meet the challenges of the job today and in the future as education, schools, and society continue to transform.