Preparing Wisconsin Teachers: Research and Recommendations for Licensure and Program Approval

This report, one of a series of state policy studies produced by the Learning Policy Institute and the Council of Chief State School Officers, describes findings from a study of teacher licensure and preparation program approval systems in Wisconsin. This study was designed to assess how these systems are advancing the preparation of a stable, diverse, well-qualified, and equitably distributed teacher workforce in the state to support all students’ deeper learning and social, emotional, and academic development. In recent years, expectations for schools and for educators have been on the rise. Research on the science of learning and development (SoLD) has been advancing rapidly. Calls have been growing to provide all students with deeper learning experiences that will prepare them for the increasing demands of life and work in the 21st century. Meeting rising expectations for schools will require the realignment of educational systems to ensure students can access high-quality learning that incorporates SoLD-aligned practices that encompass the cognitive, sociocultural, and social and emotional aspects of learning and development.