Policy Report

Preparing West Virginia’s Teachers: Opportunities in Teacher Licensure and Program Approval

Three adults having a discussion in a college setting.
Ryan Saunders
October 2021 | Learning Policy Institute
Three adults having a discussion in a college setting.

This report, one of a series of state policy studies produced by the Learning Policy Institute and the Council of Chief State School Officers, describes findings from a study of teacher licensure and preparation program approval systems in West Virginia. This study was designed to assess how these systems are advancing the preparation of a well-qualified and equitably distributed teacher workforce to support all students’ deeper learning and social, emotional, and academic development. This report describes the state policy context and the current system of teacher licensure and preparation program approval, and draws on contemporary research and state policy examples to provide recommendations aimed at systemic improvement and intended to help policymakers move closer to West Virginia’s teacher workforce goals.

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