
Preparing and Sustaining Social Justice Educators with Dr. Annamarie Francois and Dr. Karen Hunter Quartz

A Conversation with the Authors and Educators Leading CenterX and the UCLA Center for Community Schooling

Mike Palmer, Annamarie Francois, and Karen Hunter Quartz
November 2021 | Trending in Education

This podcast from Trending in Education features Dr. Annamarie Francois and Dr. Karen Hunter Quartz as they discuss their experiences as educators and leaders in social justice education and community schooling. Dr. Francois, Executive Director of UCLA Center X, describes the center’s founding in 1994 as a response to the Rodney King verdict and subsequent social unrest. Dr. Quartz, director of the UCLA Center for Community Schooling, explains how community schools like the two she leads in Los Angeles, CA, take an asset-based approach to engaging and leveraging the unique strengths and character of the community in which they are based. The two then discuss this crucial time for community schools, and how grassroots movements in education can grow in challenging times.

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