Research Brief

Paid Residency Programs in Texas: Initial Impacts on Student Achievement and Teacher Retention

Kevin C. Bastian, Sarah Crittende Fuller, and Andrew Otte
November 2024 | Education Policy Initiative at Carolina

This brief from the Education Policy Initiative at Carolina examines the impacts of paid residency programs in Texas through first-year teachers’ outcomes. Early findings indicate that (1) student achievement is higher in classrooms with a mentor teacher and paid resident; (2) compared to other teachers at their schools, mentor teachers are five percentage points more likely to return to the same school the next year; and (3) first-year teachers who complete a pair residency perform comparably to other first-year teachers in math and are as effective in reading. Though the study had a limited scope, the positive results noted in the brief create an optimistic outlook for teacher residencies. Stakeholders interested in the possibilities of teacher residencies, particularly residencies in political contexts like Texas, will find this brief especially interesting.