Policy Report

A Natural Fit: Placing After-School Staff of Color in Teacher Pipelines

Woman and a boy smiling in a school setting.
Lina Cherfas, Eric Duncan, and Wing Yi Chan
July 2021 | The Education Trust
Woman and a boy smiling in a school setting.

This brief from The Education Trust discusses ways to support after-school staff of color as a part of teacher pipelines. The report finds that after-school teachers often use their positions as stepping stones to full-time teaching careers. Although after-school staff make up an experienced and, often, racially and ethnically diverse workforce, very few programs focus on strategic recruitment and development of after-school educators as part of their pipelines. This report presents findings from a study of after-school and other out-of-school-time staff of color in seven preparation programs to explore the most effective types of support for this potential pool of classroom teachers.

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