Recorded Webinar
Mitigating Learning Loss
Leveraging Teacher Candidates as Assets During COVID-19
October 2020 | Council of Chief State School Officers
This Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)-hosted webinar highlights the brief Addressing Shortages of Educators in an Uncertain COVID-19 Landscape: Viewing Teacher Candidates as Assets, coauthored by the Center on Great Teachers & Leaders, CEEDAR Center, and AACTE. Panelists discuss ways teacher candidates can be leveraged as assets to support teachers and student learning during the unprecedented time of COVID-19.
- Loretta Mason-Williams, Associate Professor, Binghamton University
- Jacqueline Rodriguez, Vice President, Research, Policy, & Advocacy, AACTE
- Chris Rogers, Policy Analyst, AASA
- Additional panelists from Boston University and Boston Public Schools