Policy Report

Low Teacher Salaries 101: How We Got Here, Why It Matters, and How States and School Systems Can Compensate Teachers Fairly and Strategically

Nicole Katz, Kate Wright Apfelbaum, Stephen Frank, and Karen Hawley Miles
June 2018 | Education Resource Strategies

This policy report from Education Resource Strategies asserts that the current unhealthy state of the labor market for teachers is a challenge that states must meet, but it is also an opportunity for states to leverage the salary increases for teachers to modernize the profession and to adopt new structures and practices for staffing. The authors note that in states where funding and investment patterns have resulted in dissatisfaction with the quality or quantity of teacher applicants, leaders must benchmark compensation levels to comparable opportunities available to high-achieving college graduates. In states with significant labor market challenges and few existing resources to address the challenge of low teacher salaries, an additional investment in PreK–12 education will be needed. The authors encourage state leaders to focus on how much they spend to support education and find ways to improve how resources are used in local education agencies.

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