Journal Article

Lessons Learned From Designing a Principal Preparation Program: Equity, Coherence, and Collaboration

[Chart] Phase 1: Surfaced core beliefs and developed theory of action; Phase 3: Created a coherent program of study
Stacy R. Leggett, Marguerita K. Desander, and Tom A. Stewart
April 2022 | Journal of Research on Leadership Education
[Chart] Phase 1: Surfaced core beliefs and developed theory of action; Phase 3: Created a coherent program of study

This article examines the planning and initial stages of Western Kentucky University’s (WKU) efforts to redesign the curriculum in their principal preparation program. When selected in 2016 to participate in the Wallace Foundation’s University Principal Preparation Initiative, WKU began to redesign their program for greater coherence. The authors describe phases of the redesign and how WKU worked with partners, focused on equity, and sought vertical and horizontal alignment in the program. In addition to coherence, the authors address the importance of collaboration with partners and of the local context in program redesign.

Recent Resources

Program and Curricular Materials
Program and Curricular Materials