Course Syllabus

Legal Aspects of Education Syllabus

January 2022 | University of Connecticut

This syllabus from the University of Connecticut Administrator Preparation Program (UCAPP) is for a course (EDLR 5411) that provides an analytical framework for legal issues that school administrators confront, including mandatory attendance, curriculum, school district obligations, liability issues, student rights, staff constitutional and statutory rights, tenure, collective bargaining, special education, and religion in the schools. Students learn about constitutional law, statutory law, regulatory law, and case law, and how to find answers to legal questions. The course emphasizes the practical application of legal principles to the responsibilities of teachers and administrators. The basic principles of school law are presented through four large group lectures and four classes of small group discussion, which will include individual reading and written reflections on specific topics, as facilitated by a small group instructor assigned to each student.

Recent Resources

Practice Reports
Practice Reports
Program and Curricular Materials