Journal Article

Leading After the Storm: New York City Principal’s Deployment of Equity-Oriented Leadership Post-Hurricane Maria

Patricia M. Virella and Sarah Woulfin
September 2021 | Educational Management Administration & Leadership

This journal article reports findings of a study of how principals in New York City schools responded to an influx of students from Puerto Rico post-Hurricane Maria. Researchers analyzed interview data from 12 participants who led schools as principals in 2017–18. By analyzing the activities of principals, the authors found that participants enacted equity-oriented leadership by (1) engaging in self-reflection and growth for equity, (2) influencing the sociopolitical context, (3) allocating resources, and (4) modeling. The authors recommend that principal preparation programs provide deep training on the distinction between equality- and equity-oriented leadership and conclude that the field needs to further explore how principals work toward equitable outcomes during crises. 

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