Course Syllabi

Language Policies and Practices Syllabi

Laura Hill-Bonnet, Catalina Martinez, Alexander Mejía, Karla Lomelí, Jack Dieckmann, Kimiko Lange, Nicole Lusiani, Emily Reigh
January 2020 | Stanford University

The Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP) of the Stanford Graduate School of Education (GSE) seeks to prepare and support teacher leaders in creating equitable and successful schools and classrooms. These documents are the syllabi for the two variants of the course entitled EDUC388: Language Policies and Practices. The course is designed to prepare STEP candidates to be effective beginning teachers of students identified  as English Learners and develop a basic and critically-informed understanding of the legal and policy framework for the education of these students. Each syllabus includes a robust list of readings and online resources. Teacher candidates learn the historical, political, and legal foundations of educational programs for “English learners,” theories of second language learning and research on the effectiveness of various means of promoting academic achievement in linguistically diverse contexts, and a framework to inform methods of teaching English language and literacy that promote content area learning. Course topics covered include designated English language development (ELD), state and federal policy, racial and linguistic inequality, social justice, and more.

Recent Resources

Program and Curricular Materials