
Keeping Kids Healthy and in School: How School-Based Health Centers Can Help Reduce Chronic Absence Video

January 2019 | California School-Based Health Alliance; Attendance Works

This hour-long webinar and accompanying slides from the California School-Based Health Alliance and Attendance Works presents information on how schools can address student health needs and promote attendance. The facilitators note the ways in which student attendance is strongly associated with academic success and warn that chronic absenteeism can signal a health condition that needs attention. Presenters speak to how school attendance teams can approach absenteeism through a three-tiered strategy, and they discuss different health interventions schools can take. The webinar concludes with the school nurse at Rosa Parks Elementary, in San Diego, Julieann Sparks, sharing her school’s data and the ways in which her school confronts the barriers students face.

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Anika Spratley Burtin, Kenyatta Dorey Graves, and Cathy Yun