Research Report

It Takes a System: A Case Study of Denver Public Schools and the School System 20/20 Framework

Karen Baroody, Laura Schick, and Kate Apfelbaum
May 2017 | Education Resource Strategies

In a Denver Public Schools case study, Education Resource Strategies (ERS) leverages its School System 20/20 framework to facilitate district transformation. This framework serves as a valuable tool for educational leaders as it aids in the identification and prioritization of necessary system changes to enhance student outcomes. The framework encompasses a clear vision of success within the school system, a comprehensive diagnostic incorporating both qualitative and quantitative assessments for gauging progress toward that vision, and a structured process for reviewing these assessments. Within this particular case study, ERS applies the School System 20/20 framework to examine various aspects of Denver Public Schools, including leadership, teaching, funding, portfolio, and school support. This analysis ultimately guides the district’s efforts in redesigning its educational approach to prioritize equity and excellence.

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