Recorded Webinar

Integrating Digital Technologies in Remote K-12 Learning

Lessons for Higher Education Preparation Programs Webinar

Slide: Integrating Digital Technologies in Remote K-12 Learning - Lessons for Higher Education Preparation Programs Webinar
Liz Kolb and Victoria Carter
March 2021 | AACTE
Slide: Integrating Digital Technologies in Remote K-12 Learning - Lessons for Higher Education Preparation Programs Webinar

In this American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) webinar, hear from AACTE Innovation and Technology Committee co-chair Liz Kolb and Victoria Carter from the University of Michigan about two survey results pre- and post-COVID-19. The first survey, pre-COVID-19, investigates pre-k-12 teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of how well new teachers are prepared to integrate technology tools and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Students. The post-COVID-19 survey focuses on how teachers experience remote teaching and learning during the pandemic. While both are national surveys, presenters focus on the state of Michigan as a case study. The presentation includes suggestions and implications for teacher preparation in higher education as well as pre-k-12 district professional development for moving toward high-quality preparation of teacher candidates for face-to-face, remote, and blended learning environments with technology tools.

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