Course Syllabus

Instructional Leadership: Systems and Structures to Support High-Quality Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Course Syllabus

Erin Murray, Kelly Lyman, and Charles Dumais
September 2022 | University of Connecticut

This course syllabus from the UConn Administrator Preparation Program (UCAPP) at the University of Connecticut consists of course description, course objectives, and a calendar outlining assignments and due dates for the course EDLR 5403. The course itself seeks to address instructional leadership with particular attention to how principals develop and support teachers' effective instruction and instructional accommodations for all students. It is divided into six sessions with the following themes: Why and how principals serve as instructional leaders; role and impact of systemic improvement in teaching and learning; leadership for quality curriculum, instruction, and assessment; using effective collaborative processes around assessment and data to drive improvement; and communication for instructional improvement. Course assignments include conducting a curriculum analysis and designing a professional learning session for teachers.

Recent Resources

Practice Reports
Anika Spratley Burtin, Kenyatta Dorey Graves, and Cathy Yun
Program and Curricular Materials