Course Syllabus

Indigenous Teaching and Learning Syllabus

Cereescia Sandoval and Miki Tomita
August 2022 | High Tech High Graduate School of Education

This syllabus from the High Tech High Graduate School of Education for EDU 607: Indigenous Teaching and Learning outlines a course that invites teacher candidates to reconnect with indigenous wisdom and practices, establishing a foundation for liberatory teaching and learning. Emphasizing that everyone is indigenous to a place, the course explores the essential connection to indigenous lands and peoples as a fundamental aspect of identity. Through reflection and the reestablishment of links to community elements such as land, water, and culture, educators are encouraged to create educational opportunities that challenge inequity. The focus is on genuine, place-based, and culture-based approaches to education, transcending mere decolonization to achieve true indigenization. Educators engage in an organic process, sharing stories, constructing personal anthologies, listening to elders, and fostering a holistic learning experience. The course addresses the question, "Who are we to do this work?" to unravel personal relationships with oppression, fostering authentic connections with students.

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