Research Brief

The Importance of Teaching and Learning Conditions

Influences on Teacher Retention and School Performance in North Carolina

Skyline view of Raleigh, North Carolina
Barnett Berry, Kevin C. Bastian, Linda Darling-Hammond, and Tara Kini
January 2021 | Learning Policy Institute
Skyline view of Raleigh, North Carolina

This brief draws on a study of teacher working conditions and their relationship to teacher retention and school performance in North Carolina. It is part of a series of studies conducted by the Learning Policy Institute—in collaboration with WestEd and the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University—as part of an action plan developed to inform ongoing efforts to ensure compliance with the North Carolina Supreme Court’s decision in Leandro v. the State of North Carolina. That case affirmed the state’s constitutional responsibility to provide every student an equal opportunity for a sound basic education, including access to qualified teachers and administrators. Requested by the court in conjunction with both plaintiffs and defendants, the action plan aims to identify root causes of current inequalities and evidence-based solutions to meet the constitutional standard.

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