How Preparation Predicts Teaching Performance Assessment Results in California

This report from the Learning Policy Institute explores the sources of variability for California teaching candidates who took either the California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA) or the educative Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) in 2021–22 and 2022–23. During this period, over 90% of California’s tested candidates passed a TPA, but passing rates varied considerably across programs. While 63% of programs had pass rates above 90% and about one quarter of programs had all of their tested candidates pass a TPA, about 1 in 10 programs had fewer than 80% of candidates pass. Pre-service candidates were more likely to pass than intern candidates, and secondary and special education programs had higher pass rates, on average, than elementary programs. Candidates from programs in which more completers reported program support for the TPA process, sufficient feedback during clinical practice, and more extensive content-specific training around how to teach reading and math were also more likely to pass.