Research Report

Growing Great Teachers: How School System Leaders Can Use Existing Resources to Better Develop, Support, and Retain New Teachers and Improve Student Outcomes

David Rosenberg and Karen Hawley Miles
November 2018 | Education Resource Strategies

In this research report from Education Resource Strategies (ERS), the authors use impact modeling to show how strategic recruitment and support for novice teachers could yield up to 4.2 extra months of student learning. The authors address the impact of teacher development on student learning, the costs of supporting new teachers, and the residency model. They recommend school systems leverage their investment in five approaches that provide novice teachers with shelter and development: (1) work with a portfolio of high-quality teacher preparation programs, (2) place well-supported novice teachers in hard-to-staff positions, (3) create multiyear retention incentives, (4) reallocate and target school- and system-level investments; and (5) design schools to support new educators. 

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Anika Spratley Burtin, Kenyatta Dorey Graves, and Cathy Yun