Research Report

Great Start California: Advancing the California Department of Education’s P–3 Vision

Kristie Kauerz, Kate Tarrant, and Stephanie Olmore
July 2023 | National P-3 Center

This report from the National P-3 Center outlines the California Department of Education’s vision for a high-quality continuum of learning for children from PreK through 3rd grade (P–3). The report begins with a review of the key features of P–3 approaches, building on examples from successful national P–3 work across the country. Next, it outlines a list of state-level policy reform strategies that can assist California in refining its P–3 vision. These policy reforms include voluntary full-day PreK for 3- and 4-year-olds, required full-school-day kindergarten for all children, relevant specialized training and bachelor degree requirements for teachers, principal licensure, investment in internal agency capacity and expertise dedicated to P–3, and supporting a workforce that specializes in P–3. Though this report is California-specific, it offers ideas and problems of practice that may be useful for policymakers, educators, educational leaders, and teacher preparation administrators in any context.

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