Course Syllabus

Facilitating Adult Learning Syllabus

Stacey Lopaz and Lee Fleming
January 2024 | High Tech High Graduate School of Education

This syllabus from the High Tech High Graduate School of Education for EDU 615 Facilitating Adult Learning outlines a course that focuses on the unique strengths of each leader, discerning potential blind spots in school leadership, and formulating strategies for fostering equitable learning outcomes. Participants will conduct an analysis of their school's learning system, exploring ways leaders can harness the environment to facilitate staff development. Moreover, school leaders will scrutinize their own inclinations and collaboration methods, heightening self-awareness through practical coaching experiences. They will identify effective strategies aligned with their strengths across various school contexts, emphasizing coaching adults to advance schoolwide objectives of providing equitable access. Essential questions prompt school leaders to reflect on their leadership strengths, identify blind spots, and establish a grounded personal philosophy of leading learning to champion equity within the school community.

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