Course Syllabus

Examined Leadership: Transform Yourself to Transform Education Syllabus

Ali Fadlallah, Mark Kabban, and Elisa Bowers
January 2022 | High Tech High Graduate School of Education

This syllabus from the High Tech High Graduate School of Education for EDU 645B: Examined Leadership: Transform Yourself to Transform Education outlines a course designed to foster transformational leaders by cultivating self-awareness, addressing systemic challenges, and promoting a growth-oriented culture. The course aligns with developmental theories like Bob Kegan's "self-authoring" and Cornel West's call for a "painful quest for truth." Students are encouraged to actively participate in the change process, emphasizing the inclusion of self in the transformation journey. Additional goals include enhancing self-understanding, recognizing strengths and limitations, and managing triggers and identity complexities. The course also focuses on developing the ability to understand, engage, and support colleagues effectively, fostering teamwork and addressing collective processes that impact group cohesion and learning capacities. Participants will gain insights into group dynamics and learn to create conditions for effective team development. This syllabus includes the Examined Leadership portfolio assignment.

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