Evolution of the Principalship: Leaders Explain How the Profession Is Changing Through a Most Difficult Year
In this second brief in the Leaders We Need Now series from the American Institutes for Research, researchers explored shifts in responsibilities among 188 elementary school principals during the 2020–21 academic year. The research team used the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) to talk with principals about their priorities during a year of significant change. Principals reported spending more time on the standards for operations and management; engagement of families and communities; professional community for teachers and staff; and community of care and support. They reported spending less time on the standards for curriculum, instruction, and assessment; equity and cultural responsiveness; professional capacity of school personnel; school improvement; mission, vision, and core values; and ethics and professional norms. These leaders identified two areas of responsibility they believed were not fully represented in the PSEL standards: (1) social media and communications management and (2) crisis management.