Course Syllabi

Equity and Schooling Syllabus

Marissa McGee, Tasha Pura
June 2020 | Stanford University

The Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP) of the Stanford Graduate School of Education (GSE) seeks to prepare and support teacher leaders in creating equitable and successful schools and classrooms. This document is the syllabus for the course entitled EDUC299A: Equity and Schooling. The course approaches equity in teacher education by simultaneously cultivating conceptual and pedagogical tools for existing within and beyond current institutions. To do so, the participants engage in developing their lenses on four levels of systemic oppression: individual, interpersonal, institutional, and structural. The course structures the three weeks by focusing on the individual lens first, the interpersonal, and lastly analyzes schools through an institutional and structural lens. It allows participants to think of their personal experiences concerning other structures and think about how that shapes their role as an educator. The participants have a final assignment called the positionality statement, where they discuss topics covered in the course and reflect deeply on their positionality. Coursework topics include social justice and equity, pedagogy, race, and more.

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