Course Syllabus

Elective in Curriculum and Instruction in Science Syllabus

Matt Wilsey and Polly Diffenbaugh
April 2020 | Stanford Teacher Education Program

This Stanford Teacher Education Program syllabus (Education 267D) focuses on preparing preservice teachers to transfer their current understanding of teaching in one subject matter to the specific pedagogical strategies used in teaching science. Teacher candidates in this course will not necessarily be subject matter experts; therefore the course draws on their experiences as teachers to apply their understanding to science content. In this intensive introduction to the teaching of science, we expect candidates to: (1) use the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to effectively plan science learning experiences; (2) design and present their rationale for a lesson plan in a scientific area, incorporating their students’ skills, backgrounds, and needs; (3) analyze pre-assessments of student learning to create, revise, and improve classroom instruction; and (4) compare and contrast the teaching of science with their understanding of teaching in another content area.

Recent Resources

Research Reports
Amber Thompson, Chander Lewis, Jahnette Wilson, Robert McPherson, Paula Calderon, Locord Wilson, Nadine Gilbert, and Robin Lock
Program and Curricular Materials