Developing Educational Leaders in California: The 21st Century California School Leadership Academy

This report from the Learning Policy Institute explores the implications of California’s statewide leader preparation program, the 21st Century California School Leadership Academy (21CSLA). 21CSLA, housed at the University of California, Los Angeles, provides professional learning through communities of practice, localized learning opportunities, and individualized coaching to assist local education agencies and their schools in meeting students’ needs more effectively. The report highlights findings from a review of evaluation results, including: (1) expanded access to high-quality professional learning, (2) an increased focus on equity, (3) assistance meeting state and district needs, (4) tailored learning to increase effectiveness, and (5) coordination to enhance California’s Statewide System of Support. The report calls attention to the practices that have made 21CSLA’s implementation effective and to ways the state can continue to support the program and leaders in California. With best practices, difficulties, and possibilities discussed, this resource is well suited for those interested in expanding leader preparation programs.