
Culturally Responsive Teaching: A Reflection Guide

Jenny Muñiz
September 2020 | New America

This guide from New America offers a collection of reflection questions for teachers to practice self-appraisal, goal setting, and conducting critical conversations across eight competencies related to culturally responsive teaching. These competencies include reflecting on one’s cultural lens, recognizing and redressing bias in the system, drawing on students’ culture to shape curriculum and instruction, bringing real-world issues into the classroom, modeling high expectations for all students, promoting respect for student differences, collaborating with families and the local community, and communicating in linguistically and culturally responsive ways. Research shows culturally responsive teachers can help Black students, Indigenous students, and students of color feel valued and affirmed in schools, their curriculum, and their peer interactions. This framework is intended to support teachers in assessing their personal strengths and opportunities for growth; it can also assist teacher preparation faculty, mentors, coaches, and administrators with assessing how well they model and support the development of culturally responsive teaching practices.

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