
Culturally Responsive and Racially Conscious Research Guide

January 2025 | Learning Policy Institute

This guide from the Learning Policy Institute was designed to help researchers engage in more inclusive and responsive practices to ensure that their work is equitable in process and impact. It aims to help project teams reflect on the multiple stages of research so that individuals remain attentive and attuned to equity and engage in more inclusive and responsive research practices. It includes a wide range of reflection questions, encouraging teams to consider how race and other identity markers can show up during research design, data collection/analysis, writing, and dissemination. The guide prompts researchers to contemplate how to adjust and adapt their research processes and products to be more anti-racist and equity-centered. It also includes a list of resources on related topics through an equity lens, including researcher positionality, racial inequity and its root causes, research design, language and writing, and dissemination. This guide would be useful for individuals or teams completing research, including research embedded in teacher and leader preparation programs.

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