Cultivating Deeper Understanding With a Comprehension Clash Video
This 5-minute video from Edutopia captures an engaging review activity utilized by an English language arts teacher at Fauquier High School in Warrenton, VA. This video showcases a dynamic end-of-unit activity that enhances critical thinking and collaboration. Students first reflect individually on the unit’s key takeaway, then engage in debates to persuade peers. Gradually forming larger groups, they build evidence-based arguments, with spokespeople presenting their case. The process encourages students to embrace change as they learn and grow, teaching that opinions should be supported by facts and can evolve with new knowledge. While the winning team gains the most members or persuades the teacher, the true success lies in the critical thinking, collaboration, and retention of lessons. Teachers can adapt this activity for any subject using the Comprehension Clash Worksheet handout. Teacher educators, teacher candidates, and current teachers may all find this resource to be helpful.