Research Report

Coaching at Scale: A Strategy for Strengthening the Early Learning Workforce

Two preschool teachers assisting students with an project.
Abby Schachner, Cathy Yun, Hanna Melnick, and Jessica Barajas
June 2024 | Learning Policy Institute
Two preschool teachers assisting students with an project.

This report by the Learning Policy Institute examines five early childhood coaching systems—two state systems (Alabama and Washington) and three California county systems (El Dorado, Fresno, and San Diego)—that have developed systemic coaching approaches. The authors studied these coaching systems to understand the different ways that comprehensive coaching systems can be implemented at scale, the types of coaching approaches used, and the supports offered. Although there is no singular strategy to scale effective coaching, this research provides insights for policymakers and program administrators seeking to incorporate coaching into their efforts. Insights include: Provide dedicated funding for site-based coaching to enhance program quality and support educators. Offer specialized coaching for site leaders. Ensure coherence between coaching and quality improvement systems. Set standards for coach expertise, recruit diverse coaches, develop a state coaching resource clearinghouse, support regional professional development, and collect data to scale effective practices.

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