
Coaching: How a Focus on Adult Development Leads to Improvements in Student Learning

October 2018 | Bank Street Education Center

This coaching guidebook from the Bank Street Education Center aims to capture Bank Steet’s approach to coaching and serves as an example of how it employs the approach in new contexts. The guide is divided into four key sections: (1) Coaching Adults to Improve Student Learning, a reflective three-step coaching cycle and its theoretical stance, which is deeply rooted in Bank Street’s developmental-interaction approach and its beliefs about adult and child development; (2) Professional Supports for Bank Street Coaches, which shows how coaches benefit from a lead coach who models reflective supervision and other professional supports; (3) Professional Development Coaching Activities, which provides the protocol for case study activities done with coaching teams to work through problems of practice with coaches; and (4) Coach Formative Assessment Tool (FAST), which details what high-quality coaching looks like across multiple domains, as an aid for building the capacity of coaches.

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Anika Spratley Burtin, Kenyatta Dorey Graves, and Cathy Yun